You are constantly communicating to everyone around you just how much you value yourself. And every time you enter into any kind of negotiation with another person, be it a job interview, a performance review for a possible pay increase, asking someone out on a date, or making a sales presentation, you are subconsciously influencing the outcome of that negotiation.
Imagine the situation where two people are negotiating the sale of a piece of property. One person is confident, sure of himself, and has no fear of the situation. The other person has almost no confidence, is afraid of being taken advantage of, and would like to escape as quickly as possible. Who is going to get the best deal? So you understand that even on the physical level, your feelings of what you are worth will influence every situation in which you find yourself.
Just by having a strong sense of your own self-worth, you will attract a fair degree of prosperity into your life. And this is because your strong self-worth will be communicated to every person in every situation you are involved in. They will see that you are worth a great deal, and they will subconsciously defer to you in whatever way is appropriate for the situation.
Any time you apply for a job, or ask for a pay increase, your increased self-worth will cause the person in charge to give you more of what you want. Any time you ask someone out for a date, they will see that you are an important person and be eager to spend time with you. Any time you are selling something, the prospect will see your confidence and trust that you are treating them honestly and fairly, and will be much more likely to buy what you are selling.
Life will be easier, and your prosperity will grow. And all of this is the result of your ‘Mind Power’ as the way you think the way you become, your pattern of thinking creates your self worth because your life is nothing but an reflection of your mind. So if you really want to make your Life much better then it is very much necessary to make your Mind better, as in this world every big thing i.e (from invention of Airplane to the making of computer) has started from the idea of a mind.
So Now to discover the greatest magical key secrets of your mind and to create your own reality visit to http://master-the-secret-of-mind-power.blogspot.com/up

-- Kevin Hogan,
Author of "The Psychology of Persuasion"
and "Irresistible Attraction"
For me, mind power is a tricky subject and most of the time it is confused with brain power.